
Thursday, May 23, 2013



Q.           What is a Dimple?
A.            A dimple is a small natural indentation in the skin, most notably in the cheek or on the chin. Dimples are caused by a defect in the muscle of the face (zygomaticus major).

 Q.           Why are they attractive?
A.            People have a belief that dimples add to the beauty of the smile and thus find them attractive.

Q.           Can I get dimples if I don’t have them?
A.            Yes. Dimples can be surgically created in any person at their desired place.

Q.           Is this surgery only for girls?
A.            No, even males desire this surgery especially for the chin area.

 Q.           Is there no other way apart from surgery to get dimples?
A.            No. It is a small OPD procedure done under local anaesthesia and doesn’t leave a scar on the face. No cuts (incisions) are made on the skin.

Q.           Is the surgery painful?
A.            It is not painful. 5-6ml of Local anaesthetic is injected at the site of the new dimple to be created, and the patient does not feel any pain thereafter.

 Q.           How long is the surgery?
A.            The procedure usually lasts around 20- 30 minutes.

 Q.           Do I need to get admitted in the hospital?
A.            Dimple creation is done on day care basis. Admission is not necessary for such a procedure.

Q.           Are the dimples permanent?
A.            Dimples artificially created are permanent. It usually takes 3 – 6 months for the final effect of the dimple to be achieved.

 Q.           If I don’t like them, can anything be done?
A.            These dimples can be removed if you do not like them by another small surgery again done on a day care basis.

Dr. Ashish Gupta
Senior Consultant & Head
Dept. of Plastic & Microvascular Surgery,
SPS Hospitals, Ludhiana.
Mobile: 977-977-1111


  1. I am very interested in this dimple creation srugery procedure, however; my concern is the dimples will not last. It costs around $1000 here in the Atalanta area, so it's not cheap for something that will not last. Please tell me if it's worth it. Thank you!!!

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