
Friday, January 3, 2020



Winter brings its own set of problems for patients suffering form diabetes. Burns due to hot water, heater, electric blankets and radiant heaters cause additional woe for the patient. We give you seven steps to safety to keep your feet happy.

1. Keep your feet DRY:

When it comes to your feet, rain, snow and slushy weather have something in common: they cause dampness. Moisture that collects between your socks and your feet and toes can form bacteria, which can lead to an infection.

Keep your feet dry and pay special attention to the areas between your toes.

2. Avoid Direct Heat to your Feet:

Diabetic patients have numbness and they may not feel when their feet are burning. 

They can sustain second or third-degree burns, which can cause serious foot problems.

Patients with diabetes should not put their feet in hot water.

They should test bath water with their hands or a thermometer first. 
Avoid using warming aids on the feet, such as electric blankets, heated shoe inserts and heating pads.

3. Moisturize your feet:

Use a moisturizer daily to keep dry skin from itching or cracking. 

Do not moisturize between the toes--that could encourage a fungal infection.

Patient should be careful if he/she observes red shiny areas on their feet, this is a warning sign that the skin will form an ulcer.

4. Get the RIGHT SHOES:

Patients with diabetes should wear well-fitted shoes with supportive soles and a wide toe box to reduce cramping. 

During the colder seasons, extra thought should be given to sock texture and how the weather will affect walking conditions

5. Trim Those NAILS :

Untrimmed or infected toenails are a frequent cause of infections and ulcers. 

You can soak your feet first to soften the nails and then cut them straight across. 

If you have trouble trimming your nails, get help.

6. Keep Blood Sugar Under Control:

Your feet absorb a lot of the daily wear and tear of your body

They are one of the first places poor diabetic control will show up.

7. Visit your Plastic Surgeon Regularly:

Work with your doctor to control your sugar and be sure to watch your diet, maintain your weight, exercise regularly, and avoid smoking. 

Your feet will thank you!!!!!

Senior Consultant
Dept. Of Plastic & Microvascular Surgery
S.P.S. Hospitals, Ludhiana