Why These plastics kite strings don't break:
In some regions, "Chinese dor" or plastic kite string may be reinforced with metal constituents to enhance its durability and strength. These metal constituents can include:
1. Aluminum: Aluminum is lightweight and corrosion-resistant, making it suitable for use in kite strings to provide additional strength without adding much weight.
2. Steel: Steel wire or strands may be incorporated into the kite string to improve its tensile strength and resistance to stretching.
3. Copper: Copper wire may be used in kite strings for its conductivity and durability.
4. Brass: Brass, an alloy of copper and zinc, may be used in kite strings for its strength and corrosion resistance.
These metal constituents are typically woven or twisted into the plastic material of the kite string to provide reinforcement. The exact combination of metal constituents used can vary depending on the desired properties of the kite string and the manufacturer's specifications.